Physical Rehabilitation

A forward-thinking remote monitoring company leveraging advanced e-textiles technology to power innovative solutions.

Focal Lines Technologies is built upon a fundamental and impactful principle: empowering individuals to take ownership of their health management, supported by healthcare professionals, while maintaining autonomy over their own choices. At the core of Focal Lines' mission lies a bold and ambitious vision: Enable healthier lifestyle by smarter materials

We are developing the MuscularSkeleton Management Platform (MSMP) - a user-friendly system that utilizes e-textile sensors to track and analyze muscle indicators during the recovery process of individuals living with neurological impairments in their home environment.

The platform is specifically designed to provide continuous biofeedback from the muscles, granting healthcare professionals access to valuable data pertaining to muscle health. This data empowers them to optimize therapeutic activities and improve patient outcomes.

Modern rehabilitation physiotherapy
Soldier learns to walk in rehab clinic

Designed with neuroplasticity in mind

Fit blogger talking about new sleeves - haul

Flexible and comfortable to wear

Cardiac Monitor

Integrated into a single platform

Partners and sponsors helping to bring our vision to life

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Contact us

555 West Hasting Street, #1200

Vancouver, BC, V6B 4N6

Call: +778-200-0889
